The image of inferior rectus muscle seemed like smooth spheroid from backward to forward, which tended to misdiagnose as tumor. 下直肌显示形状为自眶后向前圆滑的椭圆形,易误诊为肿瘤。
For those who had medial rectus muscle impacted into the ethmoid sinus or inferior rectus muscle impacted into the maxillary sinus, the bone was repaired with hydroxyapatite bone plates. 内直肌嵌入筛窦,下直肌嵌入上颌窦,在眶内容还纳复位后分别用天然珊瑚人造骨板修复骨孔。
Cyclic vertical deviation after ocular myositis and treatment by recession of the inferior rectus muscle 经下直肌后退术治疗的眼肌炎症后周期性垂直斜视1例
Idiopathic orbital hemorrhage related to the inferior rectus muscle: A rare cause for acute-onset diplopia and unilateral proptosis 与上直肌有关的先天性眼眶出血:一个急性发作的复视和单侧眼球突出的少见原因
But the images of superior rectus muscle pulley and inferior rectus muscle pulley were unclear by horizontal scanning. 水平位扫描上、下直肌Pulley结构不清。
Anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle for a snapped inferior rectus muscle following functional endoscopic sinus surgery 上斜肌前部转位治疗继发于功能性内镜鼻窦手术的上直肌断裂
Stimulation of the OMN pool innervating the inferior rectus ( IR) muscle activated FFH neurons antidromically. 在下直肌动眼运动神经元(IROMN)池中给予电刺激可使FFH神经元产生逆行兴奋。
Between lateral rectus and the origin of inferior rectus muscle. 沿外直肌和下直肌起点之间切开Zinn腱环。
A report on three cases of paralytic esotropia treated by union of the superior, lateral and inferior rectus muscle 应用上、下直肌联结术治疗3例麻痹性内斜视病例报告